Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem

Insult Poem 
I've never seen so big 
He may be fatter then a pig
He eats all the food in the house 
He never leaves any for a mouse 
You really need to take a hint
That you need to eat a mint 
Why do you try so hard 
Because you're really just a plain fat lard 

2nd Insult Poem
You think you are so cool  
But really you are just a fool  
You eat all my food
because you are really rude 
Your eyes are as brown as poop 
Your nose looks like a ice cream scoop. 
Why do you act so mean
because really you're just a little bean 

Word Mover

Word Mover

I have a big dream
That one day we will rise up 
and live the true meaning of life 
To be equal as the others
This nation is for freedom not slavery 
I am happy to join with you today
Too make our nation equal for everyone  

Friday, January 8, 2016

Shlya diamond
A Man’s Journey    
      I was taking a trip to Kodiak Island when we experienced engine trouble and our plane crashed. It was the pilot one of my friends and I flying but I was the only survivor. I don’t know how long I was unconscious on the plane but when I woke up I had no idea where I was and why it was so cold. I crawled out of the plane and all I could see was white. I was still a little dizzy and there was a huge cut on my leg from a piece of glass and a whole bunch of little cuts a bruises but other than that I was fine. I was in the middle of nowhere and had no idea what to do.
   There was a small fire from the plane crash that I was sitting by to keep warm. I don’t know how cold it was but it had to be in the negatives. I had a big coat on and some snow pants because I knew that where I was going it was going to be cold. I was looking at all the stuff that was on the plane that could help me survive. There were some drinks, food, a blanket, survival kit, and some clothes that I had packed. The first thing I thought of was shelter and how I needed to build or find one quick or I would freeze to death. I started with all the broken parts of the plane and, some string that was on the plane and started to build a small lean-to. It wasn’t much but I had enough room to build a small fire and keep warm for the night. I thought my best chance of someone finding me is to stay by the plane because I knew each plane has to have a GPS locater in it and maybe somebody could find me.
      I had to clean up my leg so I took the medicine from the survival kit and ripped up a T-shirt and rapped it around my leg to make it stop bleeding. I made a fire with some of the wood from the crash and the lighter that was in the kit. I stayed up all night to make the fire keep going. The next morning I crawled out of the lean-to and saw some mountains and snow everywhere. I knew I was in Alaska somewhere but not sure where. I put on some more coats that were left on the plane and started walking to see if I could find anything. For hours I walked but found nothing so I went back to the lean-to. I ate the crackers and some soup that were on the plane for almost two days and I started to run out of food and water so I had to go hunting.
      I took a piece of wood and sharpened it with the knife that was in the survival kit. I started walking but all I saw was white everywhere and a few wolfs but that’s it. I’ve gone hunting before with some friends but I wasn’t the best at it so I was nervous to kill anything but I had to. I went back to the plane so hungry but I didn’t want to kill a wolf. The next day I had to eat something so I did what I never thought I would and killed a wolf. I got the fire going and started to cook the meat and man was that good. The wolf would last me a couple days but now I needed water. So I got a piece of metal from the plane and shaped it into a bowl. I put some snow in it and boiled it until it was fine to drink.
      Weeks went past and no one showed up to help. I lived off of wolf meet and water made out of snow. As the days went by I built a bigger lean-to on both side to close it in but I was running out of supplies for the fire so I needed to do something and do it soon. I walked a lot every day to see if I could find something or someone but I never did.  One day I took a different path a found a small forest filled with covered trees and that’s where I get my fire wood. I broke off enough branches to last me awhile and took them back to the plane. The forest was only a couple miles away from the lean-to.
      It was almost a month that I was there. I started to learn how to live on my own in the freezing cold. In the night I would see lights in the sky under the clouds and it was the prettiest thing I have ever seen. They were called the northern lights. The next morning came and it was just another day, I had to go hunting again. I only had 4 hours to hunt because in Alaska the days are only 4 hours long because it gets dark very soon which is strange. I saw a pack of wolves and they were staring at me straight in the eye and I didn’t move. After a while they walked away like nothing happened. I lost my chance to get something that day so I didn’t eat. The next day I got one and felt so much better after words. Days went by and still nothing. I was counting the days and it was one month and 3 weeks that I have been living here.
      I made thousands of trips to the small forest to get fire wood and got some wood to make a bigger lean-to every week. One day I was laying in my lean-to when I heard something in the sky. I went outside and saw a plane flying by so I ran to the plane and grabbed one of the flares and shot one up to the sky. The plane kept going so I didn’t think it saw me. I have only seen one air plane over the past two months and I didn’t know when I would see another one. I needed new clothes and a new coat so I thought I might make one out of the wolfs fur. I have never made any clothing so I didn’t know how it was going to work. I made a tiny piece of wood that would be used as a needle it wasn’t exact but it was close and the string from the plane.  I started to sew and it took me a couple hours to just get the sleeves on but I finally got it. Then I made the rest and it turned out ok. I have been using some of the fur for a blanket at night and it keeps me warm.
      I thought if I stayed outside more than maybe I could catch a plane in the night. The planes don’t fly high in Alaska because there’s not many high mountains they have to fly over. Every night I would look but nothing ever came. There was a small notebook in my bag and I started to write about my adventure and what I did every day. There wasn’t much to do there anymore so most days I just sat in and wrote about everything that has been happening. Also I started to right about my past life and it made me think how easy my life was compared to the Eskimos. Some days I would have to walk to get wood from the small forest others days I needed to hunt but that was pretty much it. Hunting started to get easy because the wolves would always be out and some trips they went after me. So I would always bring a flare gun just in case.
       It has been two months and three weeks now. I was walking back to the plane when I saw a blinking light in the sky. So I ran to the plane as fast as I could and got a flare guy and shot it. I’m pretty sure the plane saw it because it did a circle around me and then went off into the distance. I kept waiting and waiting for someone to come get me but then came the next day and I gave up hope again. I thought I would never get out of there so I just gave up. That day I just sat in the lean-to and thought about how I was never going to never see my family and friends again
     The next day came and I was in the lean-to sleeping. Something woke me up that sounded like dogs so I just thought it was a pack of wolves so I just sat there listening. It started to get louder and louder and I thought to myself they have never came this close so I started to get scared. But then I heard a voice and I jumped up and went outside and saw a dog sled team. I have never been so happy to see anyone in my whole life. I ran over to the man and shook his hand and he said to me “We are here to take you home”. I broke down in tears and said thank you a thousand times.
      They said get your stuff and let’s get out of here. I couldn’t take everything so I took the things that meant the most to me. I brought the knife, the coat I had made, the blanket, and the notebook I had been writing in. I looked back one last time and said goodbye. I got on the first plane back to anchorage Alaska so I could fly on home to Seattle. I got back hoe and everybody thought I was dead so everybody was surprised but very happy. Everybody wanted to hear my story so I told them someone day I will publish my journal that had everything I did in it and that’s how they would found out would happened to me and how I survived. This is something I will never forget and how I would teach younger children things they need to know to survive in the wild.

The End

The Welcome Post!!!!!!

Yo what up people! This is my super cool blog that y'all are gonna love. You won't see many blogs from me because i actually have a life!! thank you and catch ya later.